"After watching my girls participate and compete for Roleystone gymnastics club over the past few years, it is clear the coaches genuinely care for their students. There is a perfect combination of fun and support to help them enjoy their sport as well as achieve their personal goals. My girl's confidence and abilities have developed immensely and their enjoyment is clear by their happy chatter about their friends and coaches after class each week. Thanks Roleystone." - Melissa

Spark Squad Classes
Imagine your child having the confidence to step out in front of a crowd and perform skills they never thought possible.
With the love and guidance of our accredited coaches, your child could do just this.
Watch your child flourish and progress through our structured levels curriculum, year by year.
Watch bonds form with teammates and coaches as they learn and celebrate together with each milestone achieved.
Watch your child develop a strong work ethic and learn how to persevere when challenges arise.
Ages 6 to 7 - Level 1
Ages 7 to 9 - Level 2
Ages 9+ - Level 3
All athletes will be assessed at their first lesson to ensure they are in the ideal class to develop their skills and confidence without pressure or intimidation.
All our classes run for 2 hours
Athletes from Level 4+ must train 4 hours a week of Levels training.
Level 3 athletes must train 3 hours a week, 2hours of levels training plus a Tumble class.
Level 1-2 athletes can choose to attend more than one lesson a week.
2-hour classes are $260 per term, we offer a discount package for an individual athlete that trains more than 3 hours per week, plus our annual registration fee of $60.
For less competitive classes please see our GymSkills program perfect for ages 8+ and for those athletes that want to have some fun with friends
Our goal is always to build the confidence of our students to ensure they can grow to become great people.
It's More Than Gymnastics.
Build the Foundations
Foundations are very important in gymnastics. Teaching basic skills helps athletes learn the "fun stuff" faster in the future. Classes in this stage of the year may look very repetitive and less challenging, but this is a very important step that can not be underestimated.
You wouldn't build a home without strong foundations and our coaches cannot allow advanced skills to be taught without ensuring the same.
Routine Preparation
The pre-season training is complete and it's time to start putting those skills to use. At this stage of the year the gym has a real buzz about it.
Routines are being learnt and there are lots of new things to see. The little ones are always watching the big kids and the coaches are eagerly awaiting competition season.
Competition Time
It's finally time to show off all your hard work.
First-time competitors start to feel those butterflies but they quickly disappear when you enter the venue and all your friends are there to compete alongside you.
The lead up to this stage has seen you develop awesome skills but, more importantly, you have developed relationships with people you would have never met if you hadn't taken a chance.
This is your time to shine!
Advance Skills
The hard work was worth it and you are more inspired and determined than ever.
This stage is always the most fun part of the year. Athletes get to start working towards the next level of gymnastics and reach new milestones.
We also begin to prepare our end of year show, so all your family can see just how much your gymnast has grown throughout the year.
A year in the life...
The cycle of Gymnastics

The Roleystone Difference.
A unique approach to competitions and competing.
Competitions give athletes the opportunity to achieve goals, overcome obstacles and meet others.
Many parents don’t want a competitive lifestyle for their child, but at our club, competitions aren’t competitive. Competitions are a chance for athletes to spend time with their coaches that they wouldn’t normally get.
Competitions are a chance for our coaches to see other techniques and connect with coaches they may hope to be like.
Competitions are an opportunity to show other clubs and athletes what our values are and make their experience more enjoyable.
The scores are the same, the judges are the same, the results are the same, but the lessons your child will learn from Roleystone Gymnastics Club are different.

We offer up to 5 different events for members to pick from each year.
Members in either level 1 or 2 can choose to do competitive events but do not have to. We realise this can be a really big step and want both our athletes and their support crew to have the opportunity to ease their way into competing.
Those in level 3 or higher are required to attend at least 2 events per year. This can also be a huge step, so to make the transition easier, we offer 2 in-house competitions each year. Athletes can test the waters in a familiar location before taking the next step.
Roleystone Gymnastics Club strongly believes that all children, regardless of ability, should be able to experience all the wonderful things that come with competing. We carefully select competitions and events that, we believe, mirror these values.
We provide feedback to clubs and event providers to ensure our chosen events will continue to meet our expectations and goals.

We pride ourselves as a club that can offer high quality, well-branded merchandise but also as a club who can offer this at an affordable price.
We do not profit from the sale of uniforms and merchandise. This would go against our ethics as a Not-For-Profit organisation.
Competitive athletes require the following items:
Sleeveless Club Leotard - Level 1 & 2
Long Sleeve Club Leotard - Level 3+
Club Zip Up Jacket
Black Trackpants
White Socks
White Scrunchie or Club Bow
Boys- -
Boys Leotard
Competition Shorts
Competition Longs
Club Zip Up Jacket
Black Trackpants
White Socks​

Let us show you why classes at
Roleystone Gymnastics Club
are so unique.